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Best Places to Magnet Fish in Wisconsin

Best Places to Find Hidden Treasures

Wisconsin is a state that boasts numerous water bodies, making it an ideal destination for magnet fishing enthusiasts. With a vast coverage of over 11,000 miles of water, there are many opportunities to explore and uncover hidden treasures. For those intereWisconsin is a magnet fishing paradise filled with hidden treasures. Explore locations like Lake Winnebago, Beaver Dam River, and Apostle Islands, each site offering its own unique experience and surprising finds. For instance, Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin's largest inland lake, is a favorite amongst experienced anglers due to the fascinating variety of items discovered there. So, let's get our magnets ready!

One popular spot for magnet fishing in Wisconsin is Lake Winnebago, known for yielding a variety of interesting finds such as historical artifacts and tools. Additionally, bridges and boat launches along the Milwaukee River have been productive spots for magnet fishing enthusiasts. Always remember to obtain necessary permissions and adhere to local regulations when selecting your magnet fishing location.sted in magnet fishing in Wisconsin, here is a comprehensive list of the most popular and sought-after water bodies where you can try your luck at finding some valuable items.

Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin is that it is the largest inland lake in the state, covering over 137,000 acres. However, what makes it even more unique is that during the winter months, the lake freezes over completely, creating a massive ice fishing destination for locals and visitors alike. In fact, the lake hosts the annual sturgeon spearing season, where thousands of people come to cut holes in the ice and try to catch these prehistoric fish, some of which can weigh over 100 pounds!

Lake Winnebago

Lake Winnebago

Wisconsin’s lakes, rivers, and historic waterfronts make it one of the best places to go magnet fishing. The Milwaukee River, Great Lakes piers, and old ferry crossings offer great opportunities to find lost items. If you're looking for magnet fishing spots near me, Wisconsin has plenty to explore. Check out the best places to magnet fish in the Badger State!

Wisconsin Magnet Fishing Spots

Lake Winnebago

As the largest inland lake in Wisconsin, Lake Winnebago offers a diverse range of items waiting to be discovered through magnet fishing. Historically, this location has been a favorite among magnet fishers due to its rich history and the variety of thrilling finds that await beneath its waters.

Beaver Dam River

The Beaver Dam River presents an excellent opportunity for magnet fishing, with its tranquil waters hiding a multitude of historic relics and intriguing objects. Its serene surroundings add to the allure of embarking on a magnet fishing adventure in this picturesque setting.

The Apostle Islands

Nestled within Lake Superior, the Apostle Islands provide an enchanting backdrop for magnet fishing. The combination of captivating scenery and the potential for unique discoveries makes this location particularly appealing to enthusiasts seeking both natural beauty and exciting finds.

Lake Superior

There is a magnet fishing dedicated community around Lake Superior that removes debris and metal scraps regularly. The lake is on the northern edge of Wisconsin, holding about 10% of the world's fresh waters. The magnitude of this water body necessitates safety precautions to reduce the chances of unforeseen accidents.

Milwaukee River

The Milwaukee River boasts a vibrant magnet fishing scene, attracting enthusiasts with its urban charm and the promise of uncovering hidden artifacts nestled within its waters. With its historical significance and modern-day allure, it stands as an attractive destination for those seeking a blend of heritage and adventure.

Fox River

Flowing through urban areas and serene landscapes alike, the Fox River offers a diverse magnet fishing experience. Its accessibility and potential for varied discoveries make it an appealing hotspot for enthusiasts of all levels.

Dells Area

The Dells Area provides a unique magnet fishing experience against the backdrop of stunning rock formations and tranquil waters. This picturesque location promises both relaxation and excitement as treasures from bygone eras await discovery within its depths.

Green Bay

Green Bay's coastal charm extends beneath the water's surface, where magnet fishers can anticipate uncovering a wide range of intriguing items. This bustling location offers a delightful mix of urban exploration and potential historical finds.

Brule River

The Brule River's scenic beauty intertwines with the prospect of unearthing hidden historical artifacts through magnet fishing. As a beloved destination for outdoor enthusiasts, it holds the promise of captivating discoveries amidst nature’s splendor.

Wisconsin Magnet Fishing Laws & Regulations

Before heading out on your magnet fishing adventure, familiarize yourself with local regulations and laws regarding magnet fishing. Many waterways require special permits, and it's important to understand and respect laws that protect historical sites and artifacts. Additionally, being aware of any restricted areas or environmentally sensitive locations contributes to responsible and respectful magnet fishing.

It's important to recognize that while magnet fishing itself is generally legal in Wisconsin, there are specific regulations aimed at protecting historical artifacts. As exciting as it can be to discover hidden treasures under the water, it's crucial to be mindful of the potential legal implications. Without the appropriate permits and permissions, removing historical artifacts from state waters is usually prohibited. This means that even if you stumble upon an item of great historical value, you might not be able to take it home without the proper authorization.

To highlight this, let's consider an analogy: Imagine visiting a museum where you come across a rare artifact. You wouldn't simply take it with you; instead, you'd recognize the significance of the item and seek the necessary permissions before making any moves. The same principle applies to magnet fishing in Wisconsin. By understanding and adhering to the legal guidelines, you're playing a part in preserving history and respecting the state's cultural heritage.

In Wisconsin, there's a deep appreciation for historical preservation. The state values its archaeological sites and objects and has put regulations in place to ensure their protection. Therefore, before embarking on a magnet fishing adventure, take the time to research the specific rules and requirements for different waterways in Wisconsin.

Remember that ignorance of the law is no excuse; staying informed about the legal aspects of magnet fishing will help avoid any unforeseen consequences.

Be sure to read our post on  What to Do If You Find a Gun Magnet Fishing  for guidance on legal, safety, and ethical implications.

Here are some magnet fishing finds in Wisconsin.

  • Guns: In 2019, a man in Green Bay found a loaded handgun while magnet fishing in the Fox River. In 2021, another man found a rusted gun while magnet fishing in the Milwaukee River.
  • Bicycles: People have found several bicycles while magnet fishing in Wisconsin, including a vintage Schwinn bike found in the Menomonee River in 2019 and a BMX bike found in Lake Monona in 2021.
  • Tools: Magnet fishers have found various tools while fishing, including wrenches, pliers, hammers, and screwdrivers. In 2020, a man in Milwaukee found a box of antique tools while magnet fishing in the Menomonee River.
  • Jewelry: Some people have found jewelry while magnet fishing, such as a woman in Milwaukee who found a silver ring in the Milwaukee River in 2021.
  • Historical artifacts: In 2020, a man in Milwaukee found a rusted Revolutionary War-era musket while magnet fishing in the Menomonee River. The musket was turned over to a local historical society.

As we conclude our exploration of Wisconsin's magnet fishing hotspots, let's reflect on the diverse experiences each location offers. From the historical depths of Lake Winnebago, known for its bustling past and significant shipping activity, to other vibrant urban and serene natural settings, Wisconsin provides a rich tapestry for magnet fishing enthusiasts to explore.

Before you set out, it's crucial to understand local magnet fishing laws and regulations to ensure a respectful and lawful experience. This includes securing necessary permits and acknowledging areas of environmental or historical significance. Safety should be your priority; equip yourself with protective gear like sturdy gloves and footwear, and consider safety goggles in areas prone to rebounding objects.

Your magnet fishing journey will be greatly enriched by researching your chosen locale. Understanding the historical background and environmental considerations of places like Lake Winnebago can transform a simple fishing trip into an exciting treasure hunt, where each find has the potential to unveil a piece of history.

Whether you're drawn to the allure of urban treasures or the tranquility of natural landscapes, Wisconsin's magnet fishing spots offer something for every enthusiast. By preparing responsibly and approaching each location with curiosity and respect, you're set for a rewarding adventure filled with unexpected discoveries and historical insights. Safe travels and happy magnet fishing!

Checkout our reviewed selection of magnet fishing gear to get outfitted for your next trip, or our guides on the  best magnets  and  best magnet fishing kits  to make your adventure one to remember. Also take a look at the Found Treasure page to see some of the interesting magnet fishing finds across the country. Remember  safety first  and to properly  dispose  of what you don't keep.

Magnet fishing clubs in Wisconsin

Club Name Description Club Website
Wisconsin Magnet Fishing Public Facebook group for enthusiasts across the state. Shares finds, locations, and safety tips.

Wisconsin Magnet Fishing

Magnet Fishing Wisco Group page of Magnet Fisherpersons to post finds, ask questions, and get rig advice or meet ups.

Magnet Fishing Wisco

Do you know of a Magnet Fishing club or group in Wisconsin not listed here? Please share with us to keep this list up to date.

  • Is magnet fishing legal in Wisconsin?

    Yes, magnet fishing is legal in Wisconsin, but you need to obtain permission from the landowner before you start magnet fishing on private property. Additionally, you should avoid magnet fishing in protected areas, such as state parks, wildlife preserves, or archaeological sites. It is also important to note that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources requires a permit for the removal of any material from the beds or banks of navigable waterways.
  • What kind of magnets should I use for magnet fishing in Wisconsin?

    You should use a strong neodymium magnet with a pulling force of at least 500 pounds for magnet fishing in Wisconsin. This will allow you to pick up heavier items from the water, such as bicycles, car parts, or metal safes. Make sure that the magnet you choose is also coated with a protective layer to prevent rusting and corrosion. See our product reviews to find the one right for you.

  • What are some good locations for magnet fishing in Wisconsin?

    Some popular locations for magnet fishing in Wisconsin include bridges, dams, and boat launches. You can also try magnet fishing in areas where people commonly swim, fish, or boat, as they are likely to drop items into the water. However, make sure to get permission from the landowner before magnet fishing in private areas, and always be respectful of the environment and local regulations. Additionally, you may want to avoid areas with strong currents or deep water, as these can be dangerous for magnet fishing.

Also check out these nearby states Minnesota , Iowa , Illinois , Indiana , Michigan , North Dakota.

Author: Will Flaiz

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