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Best Magnet Fishing Spots in Idaho

Uncover Hidden Treasures

Idaho is a goldmine for those passionate about magnet fishing, with numerous incredible spots scattered around the state. Notable among them is Coeur d'Alene Lake. This much-loved fishing spot has been known throughout history for its abundant catches and is now gaining popularity among magnet fishers too. Your chances of landing fascinating historical artifacts or lost personal items here are promising, making each fishing trip exciting. Ready your gear - Idaho's diverse waters are calling!

Some popular places to magnet fish in Idaho include bridges, dams, boat launches, and areas where people swim, fish, or boat. These locations often yield a variety of finds such as guns, fishing gear, historical artifacts, and personal items. Always ensure that you obtain permission from landowners and adhere to local regulations when magnet fishing in Idaho.

Lake Coeur d'Alene

Lake Coeur d'Alene

Idaho’s scenic rivers and reservoirs make it a great state for finding good places to go magnet fishing. The Snake River and old logging sites are prime locations for discovering lost tools, relics, and historical artifacts. If you're looking for where to magnet fish, Idaho has plenty of hidden gems to explore. Check out the best places to go magnet fishing in the Gem State!

Idaho Magnet Fishing Spots

Lake Coeur d'Alene

Coeur d'Alene Lake, with its rich fishing history, is a promising magnet fishing spot. The lake holds the potential for uncovering historical artifacts and lost personal items that have great sentimental value. Imagine coming across relics from bygone eras or discovering lost mementos that hold stories of their own. Whether it's an old fishing lure or a forgotten piece of jewelry, Coeur d'Alene Lake offers an exciting opportunity for uncovering hidden gems and connecting with history in a tangible way.

Boise River

Plenty of ferromagnetic trash and debris washes into Boise River every year, making it a haven for magnet fishing finds. Boise River is one of the major rivers in the western US that cuts through Idaho's capital, Boise. With 110 miles of length and proximity to the state's capital, you can easily find plenty of magnet fishing spots within the river's course in Boise.

Snake River

The extensive length of the Snake River presents an array of magnet fishing possibilities, especially around bridges and historical sites. As you cast your line into the river's depths, you may pull up treasures that have been concealed for generations. From old coins to forgotten tools, the Snake River harbors a wealth of potential finds, each with its own story waiting to be rediscovered. Imagine the thrill of unearthing objects lost to time and giving them new life through your magnet fishing adventures along this storied river.

Indian Creek

A tributary of Boise River, Indian creek is 160 miles long. Its flow begins at south of Arrowrock Reservoir in western Elmore County and heads west into Ada County. There are fascinating magnet fishing treasures for anyone patient enough to search.

Clearwater River

You can access Clearwater River in north-central Idaho. It flows westwards from Bitterroot Mountains along the Idaho-Montana before joining the Snake River at Lewiston. The river has plenty of magnet fishing finds from its rich history and activities along its course.

Broadway Bridge

Bridges have a lot of foot traffic with high chances of throwing metal scraps into the water body beneath. It is no surprise plenty of ferromagnets exist under the Broadway bridge waters, making it a haven for interesting finds for magnet fishers. A few tries of metal detection at the Broadway bridge can yield great rewards for magnet fishers.

The Salmon River

Known for containing the largest Salmon fish in the world, the Salmon River, or the river of no return, is also a place for magnet fishing. Salmon River begins from South Custer County in central Idaho and flows northeast beyond the City of Salmon. It is the only longest river in the US that does not contain a dam along its course.

Quinn's Pond

The 22-acre pond is in Bernardine Quinn Riverside Park in the City of Boise. Aside from magnet fishing, people enjoy swimming, paddleboarding, kayaking, and fishing. The pond's waters contain magnet fishing treasures but require care to keep magnet fishers from losing their magnets.

Howard's Plunge

You can also magnet fish at Idaho's Class III+ rapid on the North Fork Payette River near Francois Rapids in Smiths Ferry, Valley County. You can find magnet fishing treasures in these restless waters with some luck.

Payette Lake

Nestled amidst picturesque surroundings, the deep and clear waters of Payette Lake provide an enticing opportunity for magnet fishing enthusiasts. Along with the possibility of encountering old fishing gear, the lake may yield historical relics that offer a glimpse into the region's past. Picture yourself gazing into the crystal-clear waters as your magnet captures pieces of history, ranging from vintage fishing equipment to perhaps even valuable artifacts from eras long gone. The allure of uncovering such treasures from Payette Lake adds an element of excitement to every magnet fishing excursion.

Idaho Magnet Fishing Laws & Regulations

Magnet fishing in Idaho can be incredibly rewarding, uncovering hidden treasures and unique finds. However, it's crucial to understand the legalities and regulations to ensure that your magnet fishing adventures are compliant with the law, making your experiences not only enjoyable but also respectful of local regulations.

According to local regulations from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game , a fishing license is required for magnet fishing in rivers. Specific guidelines on the use of magnets must be followed to avoid disturbing the riverbed. It's important to obtain the necessary permit before embarking on your magnetic exploration.

In Idaho, magnet fishing is permitted in public waterways, but there are some important regulations to keep in mind. While you can certainly enjoy this hobby in public areas, it's essential to be aware of what constitutes "antiquities." It's illegal to remove antiquities from public lands, so it's vital to know the definition of antiquities before engaging in magnet fishing.

When it comes to private water bodies like ponds or lakes on private property, securing permission from the landowner is a must. Before embarking on a magnet fishing expedition in a private area, reaching out to the landowner or property manager is not only courteous but also ensures that you're adhering to the legal requirements.

For instance, if you're interested in magnet fishing at a privately-owned lake where people fish or swim, it's important to obtain explicit permission from the landowner or management. This respectful approach not only aligns with legal expectations but also fosters positive relationships within the community.

Understanding and adhering to local regulations goes beyond legal compliance—it's also about respecting the environment and preserving historical and cultural artifacts. By being mindful of the potential impact of magnet fishing on underwater ecosystems and historical sites, enthusiasts can contribute to the sustainable enjoyment of this recreational activity for years to come.

It's important to note that while treasure hunting is thrilling and rewarding, preservation should always take precedence over excavation when it comes to historical or significant items found during magnet fishing activities.

By understanding and observing these laws and regulations, magnet fishing enthusiasts can engage in this activity responsibly, ensuring that they not only comply with legal requirements but also contribute to preserving historical and environmental integrity.

As we navigate through the realms of magnet fishing, it’s crucial to be well-prepared with the right gear. Let's now explore essential magnet fishing equipment that will elevate your treasure-hunting expeditions.

Be sure to read our post on  What to Do If You Find a Gun Magnet Fishing  for guidance on legal, safety, and ethical implications.

Here are some magnet fishing finds in Idaho.

  • Guns  - A magnet fisherman in Idaho Falls reportedly found a loaded handgun while magnet fishing in a local pond in 2020.
  • Fishing Gear- Magnet fishers have reported finding a variety of fishing gear, including lures, hooks, and sinkers, in lakes and rivers throughout Idaho.
  • Bicycle Parts - In 2019, a group of magnet fishers in Boise pulled up a number of rusted bicycle parts from the bottom of the Boise River, including a bicycle frame and several wheels.
  • Scrap Metal- Many magnet fishers in Idaho report finding scrap metal, including old tools, car parts, and other miscellaneous metal objects.
  • Personal Items- Some magnet fishers in Idaho have reported finding personal items, such as keys, wallets, and jewelry, that were lost or discarded in bodies of water.
  • Old Coins- Magnet fishers have reported finding a variety of old coins, including wheat pennies and silver coins, in lakes and rivers throughout Idaho.
  • Jewelry- In 2021, a magnet fisher in Boise found a gold ring while magnet fishing in a local river.
  • Historical Artifacts- Some magnet fishers in Idaho have reported finding historical artifacts, such as old bullets and musket balls, in bodies of water where battles may have taken place.
  • Car Parts- Magnet fishers have reported finding car parts, including old license plates and rusty car frames, in rivers and lakes throughout Idaho.
  • Construction Debris- Some magnet fishers in Idaho have reported finding construction debris, such as screws, nails, and bolts, in bodies of water near construction sites.

Idaho stands as a vibrant canvas for magnet fishing enthusiasts, offering a myriad of spots each with its unique allure and potential for discovery. From the historical echoes of Coeur d'Alene Lake to the extensive stretches of the Snake River and the pristine waters of Payette Lake, each location beckons with the promise of hidden treasures waiting beneath their surfaces. These waters, rich in history and natural beauty, provide fertile ground for those eager to unearth relics of the past and connect with stories long submerged.

As we consider the vast opportunities for exploration and discovery across Idaho's magnet fishing havens, it's paramount to navigate this journey with respect for both the law and the treasures we seek. The guidelines set forth by Idaho's legal framework remind us of our responsibility to tread lightly and with integrity, ensuring our adventures contribute positively to the preservation of history and the natural environment. Engaging in magnet fishing within the boundaries of respect and legality not only enriches our experience but safeguards the heritage and beauty of Idaho's waters for future generations.

Embarking on magnet fishing adventures in Idaho's natural springs, like Soda Springs and Lava Hot Springs, introduces us to the geological and historical wonders hidden in their depths. Similarly, Idaho's reservoirs and river sediments, from the storied Snake River to the Clearwater and Payette Rivers, offer a tapestry of potential finds that span the spectrum from historical artifacts to personal mementos, each with its own tale.

As we wrap up our exploration of Idaho's premier magnet fishing locations, let us carry forward the spirit of discovery, guided by respect for the past and anticipation for what lies hidden just beneath the surface. Whether it's the thrill of unearthing an artifact that whispers of history or the joy of finding a piece of the puzzle that is Idaho's natural and cultural heritage, the adventure of magnet fishing in this state promises rewards far beyond the tangible. With each cast, we become part of a larger story, contributing to the ongoing narrative of exploration and discovery that defines the magnet fishing community. Happy hunting, and may your finds be both enriching and enlightening.

Checkout our reviewed selection of magnet fishing gear to get outfitted for your next trip, or our guides on the  best magnets  and  best magnet fishing kits  to make your adventure one to remember. Also take a look at the Found Treasure page to see some of the interesting magnet fishing finds across the country. Remember  safety first  and to properly  dispose  of what you don't keep.

Magnet fishing clubs in Idaho

Club Name Description Club Website
Idaho Magnet Fishing Public Facebook group for enthusiasts across the state. Shares finds, locations, and safety tips.

Idaho Magnet Fishing

Do you know of a Magnet Fishing club or group in Idaho not listed here? Please share with us to keep this list up to date.

  • Is magnet fishing legal in Idaho?

    Yes, magnet fishing is legal in Idaho, but you need to obtain permission from the landowner before you start magnet fishing on private property. Additionally, you should avoid magnet fishing in protected areas, such as state parks, wildlife preserves, or archaeological sites. It is also important to note that the Idaho Department of Lands requires a permit for the removal of any material from the beds or banks of navigable waterways.
  • What kind of magnets should I use for magnet fishing in Idaho?

    You should use a strong neodymium magnet with a pulling force of at least 500 pounds for magnet fishing in Idaho. This will allow you to pick up heavier items from the water, such as bicycles, car parts, or metal safes. Make sure that the magnet you choose is also coated with a protective layer to prevent rusting and corrosion.
  • What are some good locations for magnet fishing in Idaho?

    Some popular locations for magnet fishing in Idaho include bridges, dams, and boat launches. You can also try magnet fishing in areas where people commonly swim, fish, or boat, as they are likely to drop items into the water. However, make sure to get permission from the landowner before magnet fishing in private areas, and always be respectful of the environment and local regulations. Additionally, you may want to avoid areas with strong currents or deep water, as these can be dangerous for magnet fishing.

Also check out these nearby states Oregon , Montana , Washington , Wyoming , Utah , Nevada.

Author: Will Flaiz

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